Last week, AH writer SaraAB87 came across a new videmption arcade game that was bringing another beloved classic arcade game back to life. Centipede Chaos has been going through the location testing rounds, and today ICE officially recognized the game with a very brief teaser. Since it’s only 10 seconds long, and only on Facebook, I decided to make a quick vlog about it:

One thing I forgot to mention that is worth a mention is that I do not recall the other PM/ICE collab games in the past using the Raw Thrills logo on this (maybe Frogger did). I’ll have to ask about where they were involved.
UPDATE: Thanks to an anonymous tipster for sending a few more pics our way of the location test version with the different seats than the production model. While they didn’t say where they were from, it’s clear that it’s a Dave & Busters location, and not the same one where Sara played it at. Looking at one of the pics, we learn about the four power-ups this has: Bomb,  Scatter (a spread shot), Beam and Shock. Click on the images below to enlarge:
As mentioned at the end of the video, the game will make it’s industry debut next week at Amusement Expo 2019, where I will record it in action. What do you think about it from this additional info?
The post A Teaser For Centipede Chaos appeared first on Arcade Heroes.