We’re less than a week away from the next industry tradeshow, known as Amusement Expo 2020 (some still call it the “AMOA show,” just old habits). While some shows & events out there have been canceled due to concerns about the “Wuhan Pneumonia,” AE2020 is still slated to take place in New Orleans from March 9th-11th. For those who have already registered, the organization has sent out e-mails stating: “… The Louisiana Department of Health reports there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state of Louisiana.  We have been monitoring updates/advisories provided by both the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization.”
I think it wouldn’t hurt for attendees to take your standard preventive measures that you would for the flu (properly wash hands, cover your mouth when coughing/sneezing, obeying isolation orders if recently traveling in an affected region, don’t go around licking controls, etc). I won’t be offended if no one wants to shake hands – probably not a bad idea for us to all take to bowing instead (saw that on Twitter, but can’t recall the source, sorry). Although it wouldn’t be bad for sanitization wipes to be made readily available near machines so that controls can be regularly cleaned – particularly for VR headsets, where it wouldn’t be a bad look for booth runners to be a little more aggressive in keeping those things clean between uses.
To give you an idea of what will be at the show, here is what we know so far. Where there is speculation (due to the manufacturer not providing confirmation), I’ll be sure to say so. Same thing in the event that a developer is known to bring surprises to this show historically or not.
Adrenaline Amusements
Booth #1139 – Adrenaline came to IAAPA19 (I’ll just say
