While most of our focus here is on video arcade games, we certainly do like to talk pinball. The attention that pinball gets in the media is a little different than what you get with video games – even though video games see a wider variety of titles and manufacturers, pinball has a stronger fanbase. This means there are more websites & podcasts that cover just pinball.
For a while now, I’ve heard chatter about a newcomer to the pinball game-making scene called Deep Root Pinball. I mentioned them briefly in the 2018/2019 Arcade/Pinball gaming almanac, but almost a year after publishing that, little to know information has come my way about the company – until today.
At the FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention (formerly known as the Salt Lake Comic Con), a panel was held in Salt Lake City, UT with the guys behind Deep Root Studios/ Deep Root Pinball. The panel discussed “the past, present and future of pinball,” where they teased infomation about what they have in store for the future. While they did not reveal their first machine, they did talk about the talent involved in the company, which we’ll get into below.
As a note, I was unfortunately absent for this panel, as I am watching the arcade today, while my brother handles the arcade we setup at the convention. I’ll be there all Saturday.
Fortunately, my brother did attend the panel and asked a couple of questions. He also snapped this pic:

Here’s what was passed along –  just a note that there is some conjecture here, but I’ll try and keep that to a minimum:

Their official/unofficial motto is: “Pinball for the masses,” trying to convey that their designs are focused on more than niche themes. This probably means that another heavy metal rock band isn’t high up on
