It’s a sorta holiday weekend, with the 4th of July happening in the middle of next week which makes things a little awkward. Either way, if you find yourself traveling, keep an eye out for an arcade! Here are your newsbytes for the weekend.
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6 Cabinet
This popped up on the internet this week , giving us our first look at the upcoming WMMT cabinet. I’m placing the WMMT5 cab first so you can compare and see that it’s almost the exact same thing – changing mainly in the marquee. It will likely be a while before we see if there is a Western version but I would have to guess that it too will follow the pattern that 5 used here.
And for the upcoming WMMT6:
The Augmented Climbing Wall
This video is over a year old but I think we had missed it until now. This shows additional versatility of Augmented or Mixed Reality, non-wearable tech in the out-of-home entertainment space. Granted, I don’t know of too many amusement locations that have climbing walls (perhaps an FEC here or there) although perhaps more locations would be happy to add one if it used this tech:
American Pinball Talks Houdini And Game #2
If you are wondering about code updates on American Pinball’s Houdini or what they might have in store for the next game, check out this podcast by Head2Head Pinball. They do discuss other pinball topics afterwards but for anyone looking for the latest on American, that’s the link to hit.
Playing Time Crisis 5 Boss Style
This is the kind of play that shows why we shouldn’t lose the skill based shooter. Sure, most gamers do not play (or even try to reach) at this level but this is one of those things that is part of the appeal of visiting