It was a quiet week on the site as I was busy, busy, busy working on a game conversion of a Need For Speed Underground to a Redline Rampage Gas Guzzlers and troubleshooting that. I’m not a trained technician but I used to repair computers for a living so the same basic concepts of figuring out problems there applies. In the end I think it turned out nicely; the only things left to do include finishing the art and replacing one of the force feedback I/O boards. I got a killer deal on the cabinets and kits so even though it isn’t a well-known title, it was a no-brainer . While I need a few weeks to really get a feel for how it’s performing, I’ve been impressed with how it has been doing this Saturday, from the number of people I’ve seen playing so far. I’ll be posting videos of it before too long.
Anyways, on to some news!
Cosmotrons Map Contest
Shane Gutbrod of Arcadeaholics sent this new Facebook poll my way, asking for input on which maps from the Cosmotrons Map Maker contest should go into the game. One is called Divide and Conquer, the other Rain Dance. They also posted this video about it:
NEO GEO Mini Image Leaked
Thanks to Kevin Williams for sharing this. SNK has been big on promoting old MVS titles across just about every platform one can find and now they are jumping on that hot bandwagon of miniaturizing their old hardware and throwing a bunch of games on it. Instead of making a minature AES, they are leaning more towards the arcade side although I’ve heard both positive and negative reactions to this:
YouTube Channel Updates For Raw Thrills, Bay Tek Games & ICE
While I follow every manufacturer I know of that maintains a YouTube channel,