A while back, Sega Amusements had been teasing a “major license” as a part of their upcoming IAAPA 2019 video line-up. For a while we could only speculate as to what it would be; then news of Mario & Sonic Olympics 2020 came along, and we kind of wondered if that might be it. It turns out that it isn’t, as this morning the company revealed a new game that serves as their latest entry into the world of 4-player Super Deluxe arcade gaming, Mission: Impossible Arcade.

Mission: Impossible is definitely a major franchise, and this marks the first time that it will grace the arcade scene (it’s been the focus of various console games since the 90’s). There hasn’t even been a pinball machine based on the IP, which is a little surprising. That Sega is taking this on, isn’t too much of a shock however, as they have worked with Paramount on the Transformers franchise a couple of times.
With this franchise at the heart of the game, it falls into the light-gun/shooter genre, but as mentioned, it is in a Super Deluxe, four player cabinet. Each player gets their hands on two pistols (kind of like Gunslinger Stratos), but each controller is mounted to the control panel. The press release, which is included below, also talks about how these guns are using new technology to reduce maintenance costs. To pull a quote: “Using cutting edge accelerometer technology increases controller reliability by reducing moving parts. The new controller allows a greater range of motion, smoother movement, great accuracy and its ergonomic design, makes gameplay very comfortable.” As I recall, the House of the Dead Scarlet Dawn guns also used accelerometers (something that is very common in console controllers since the Wii). They also added: “Using a single trigger fires a
