3D printing

10 07, 2020

Sega Announces Initial D: The Arcade

By |2020-07-11T11:56:03+01:00July 10th, 2020|Arcade Game News|Comments Off on Sega Announces Initial D: The Arcade

I was bouncing back and forth on this one being it’s own post instead of saving it for Newsbytes, but it’s Initial D, so let’s go ahead. The Initial D series doesn’t need much of an introduction, it being one of the pinnacles of arcade racing that has been around since the early 2000’s.  The [...]

24 08, 2019

Newsbytes: World’s Largest Frogger Sighting; Jurassic Park Pinball; Arcade Merchandise & More

By |2019-08-25T10:20:19+01:00August 24th, 2019|Arcade Game News|Comments Off on Newsbytes: World’s Largest Frogger Sighting; Jurassic Park Pinball; Arcade Merchandise & More

Hello gentle reader, and welcome to another exciting edition of Newsbytes. Let’s take a quick journey down the road of brief arcade news items to get your weekend into high gear: New Sighting For The World’s Largest Frogger We haven’t heard anything about the World’s Largest Frogger since it was first found on test back [...]