
28 07, 2020

UNIS Releases On Point Airsoft Gun/Video Game Hybrid

By |2020-07-28T23:27:30+01:00July 28th, 2020|Arcade Game News|Comments Off on UNIS Releases On Point Airsoft Gun/Video Game Hybrid

Some games take a long time to find their way to certain markets, and that would certainly be the case with a title that we’ve discussed on the blog many times. Originally called GunArena and later released in Japan, it was a nice surprise to find out that the game was headed to the US [...]

24 01, 2020

UNIS Launches OnPoint For Western Audiences

By |2020-01-24T09:02:28+00:00January 24th, 2020|Arcade Game News|Comments Off on UNIS Launches OnPoint For Western Audiences

One of the big surprises, and more popular games, at IAAPA 2019 was Taito’s OnPoint (at the time called “Gun Arena”). Located at the UNIS booth to represent the new partnership between the two companies, this turned heads due to the unique idea of combining a real airsoft pistol with a video game. This in [...]