
22 02, 2022

Pinball designer Barry Oursler dies

By |2022-02-24T15:30:12+00:00February 22nd, 2022|Pinball News|Comments Off on Pinball designer Barry Oursler dies

Barry Oursler (Photo credit: PinGame Journal) Pinball Magazine just found out through Pinball News that veteran pinball designer Barry Ourler died from complications while he was undergoing a cancer treatment.   Barry Oursler was known as probably the fastest-working pinball designer in the industry. Most of his games were designed while working at Williams, which [...]

23 01, 2019


By |2019-01-23T22:48:47+00:00January 23rd, 2019|Pinball News|Comments Off on EPIC Deli

Please Note – Epic Deli has moved to a new location in the last year and this review is based on that new location. Epic Deli in the far-north Chicago suburbs is much more than a ‘deli’. As a matter of fact, ‘deli’ in this case is probably misleading. Epic is better described as an [...]