Few properties embody the 1990s’ trademark irreverent spirit like The Simpsons, Fox’s animated show about a family of five that took America – and the world – by storm. In fact, as the longest running show on television, gamers need not look far for new The Simpsons content but today we’re going to take a peek back at the beginning of the phenomenon in the 1990s and how this fad made its way over to the video game realm.
Those of you who have long memories may recall that legendary video game publisher LJN put out a few titles for the Nintendo Entertainment System, none of which were critical successes, but you might not be aware of an arcade title by Konami that bears The Simpsons’ moniker. Crafted in the same vein as Konami’s other co-op beat ‘em up Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Simpsons Arcade Game aped the former title’s set up with the addition of one more player to the screen. For the early 1990s, a five-player arcade game was quite rare indeed, let alone a game as accessible and addictive as The Simpsons’ arcade game.
Though it was released all the way back in 1991, The Simpsons Arcade Game continues to conjure positive memories among gamers that played even today. Heck, you might even be able to spot the odd arcade cabinet here and there still in use such was the popularity of this game.
Chaos Ensues in 4-Player Co-Op
And it’s no mystery why. Looking back at 1991’s The Simpsons Arcade Game through the lens of 2018, the most immediately noticeable thing is how amazingly well done the game is. Not only is the animation style true to the television series of the same name, but also the gameplay doesn’t stray too far from what a fan would expect of