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— This Week’s Top 5 Stories —
1. Deadpool Image Leak
The Deadpool image that has been floating around has now been fully leaked by Pinball Paparazzi on this Facebook post. You can also click here to see a picture of the leaked image.
A little back story on this pinball machine: From what we can piece together, Deadpool was being worked on by John Trudeau (designer) and Zombie Yeti (artist) before JT’s arrest. Trudeau’s design was then completely scrapped, and George Gomez took over design. (Source: Head2Head Pinball Podcast’s interview with Zombie Yeti.)
So the big question is:
Is this the old design by John Trudeau or the new design by George Gomez?
In looking at the metadata of the image, we know the leaked image was taken on November 15th, 2017. John Trudeau was arrested on August 25th, 2017. Is 82 days enough time to cut ties with JT, decide to scrap his design, assign a new designer, completely redesign the machine, and build a whitewood?
That seems like a fast turn around time. But that playfield sure looks very Gomez-ish…
2. Supreme Pinball Sells out in Nine Seconds
Photo courtesy of Supreme/Stern
According to multiple online sources, the Supreme Pinball machine sold out in nine seconds in Europe.
As of the time of this writing, there are currently three available on eBay, all from sellers with 100% feedback ratings:
(googling fainting gifs to insert here)
We’ll see what these things actually sell for in the coming weeks.
But you know what is cool about pinball? Someone in New York City bought one, and put in ON LOCATION. You can go play one at Max Fish. Here’s a map. Check out the Pinside thread about the one on