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This Week in Pinball had a unique opportunity to do a full tour of the deeproot facility in San Antonio last week!  We spent about three hours checking out all things deeproot, and wanted to share some of our experience.
Arrival and Introductions
My “real job”, my day job, took me to San Antonio for a conference last week.   I messaged Robert Mueller, the man behind deeproot pinball, to see if I could drop by and say hello after the conference was over.

I arrived at deeproot headquarters and walked around to the visitors entrance.  There was a semi-truck at a loading dock not far from the entrance.  I rang the buzzer at the entrance door and Robert invited me in.
Though I’ve spoken to Robert Mueller on the phone a few times, this was my first time meeting him in person.  Robert is friendly, enthusiastic, and clearly very passionate about pinball.  As you probably know from his previous interviews, Robert is also outspoken and extremely confident (I believe Dennis Nordman used the word “brash”).  It was fun to see how excited he was that his vision for pinball is coming to life.
The first area had several larger offices, including Mueller’s office, which had mountains of paperwork.  We started the tour.
The Tour
The building itself has a very unique and unconventional layout, with many curved walls and interesting shaped rooms throughout.  Many parts of the building are under construction and unfinished.  As we walked down one of the curved hallways, we saw large machinery that was being moved in from the semi into one of the finished rooms.  There was a relatively large room that housed large machinery and tools used
